
From the Cul-de-sac: Destined to Go Viral

What’s Up? Temecula is a new website and, in order for a new website to be a success, professionally and otherwise, ultimately what it comes down to is traffic. We need sufficient traffic to be picked up and ranked by the search engines like Google and Bing and we need our rankings in the search engines to generate more traffic. It’s a vicious, vicious circle.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been extremely pleased with our progress thus far and the support we have received from the community, but the sooner we are ranking at the top of Google, the sooner we can provide excellent arts, entertainment and event information to more and more of our neighbors in the Inland Empire.

So, while sitting with my IT guy (read: husband) and racking our brains, we tried to come up with ways to get more people to our site. What do people like? What do you always see online that nobody, and I mean nobody, can resist?

And then it hit me…CAT VIDEOS!

For (what seems like) centuries now, cat videos have been a perennial favorite online. People love those fuzzy little dudes, they are the number one house pet in the United States, and people just can’t seem to get enough of their feline friends.

So, in order to make you happy, dear readers, and give you exactly what you want, I’ve created what is destined to become a viral sensation. I expect it to be featured on Hoda and Kathie Lee any day now.

So, may I introduce to you, Apollo Creed Herndon, aka Paulie, who is soon to be a household name.

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Holly Herndon

Holly Herndon

Holly has been covering arts & entertainment in the Temecula Valley for as long as she has been a part of the community. She loves San Diego sports almost as much as she loves her family.

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