Galway Downs Hosts Elite Equestrian Competition and Food Truck Festival
In the heart of Temecula’s wine country, Galway Downs is a hidden gem; a venue renowned by elite equestrian competitors throughout the world but virtually unknown to many living in the community it calls home. On October 30th through November 2nd, the breathtaking grounds are not only playing host to some of the most famous riders in equestrian sports, but also providing their neighbors with a perfect way to become acquainted with the center while having a great time with family and friends.

Galway Downs Presents the October Equestrian Fest and Haunted Horse Afterparty
Put a few horses in your Halloween this season as Galway Downs presents the inaugural year of their Fall Equestrian Fest and Haunted Horse After-party. For those who have had the chance to see a polo match at Galway Downs in Temecula, you know what a breathtaking venue the facility really is and the event team has taken special care in combining the location’s exquisite beauty with autumn family fun.