What's Up? Temecula "Lists" features lists of anything ranging from local information to pop culture facts..

25 Signs You’re a 40-Something Woman in Temecula
So, this list is dedicated to the middle-aged, 40-something, cougar-labeled masses that seem to make up 85% of the Temecula population.

9 Weightlifting Terms That Sound Dirty
Recently I started a great job at a health and fitness facility which offers CrossFit and, although I don’t personally do too much heavy lifting, all around me are elite athletes as well as regular folk pushing weighted objects over their heads. What I didn’t know going in was, in the Olympic lifting community, they have their own kind of language; a series of words and phrases you rarely, if ever, hear in the outside world. And it’s hilarious.

15 Places and Things Still Needed in Temecula
Temecula has become a virtual mecca of dining, shopping and nightlife. But despite the fact that Temecula has become an all-inclusive consumer playground, with little need to ever travel North to Riverside or South to San Diego –a happy phenomenon of the past maybe 5 or 6 years – there are a few little holes in the retail fence. So, although it may be a short, here is the list of a few of the things it would be nice to see one day pop up within the Temecula city limits.

16 “What Were We Thinking?” Items of the 2000’s
Along with life-changing innovations like smart phones, DVR’s and the Brazilian Blow Out, its undeniable that a few of the “advancements” made by the busy social media generation have done nothing for the actual advancement of society and, as every decade before this has shown, the 2000-teens will certainly have their own share of “what were we thinking?” moments.

12 Life Lessons from the Movie Grease 2
What a lot of people may not realize is that Grease 2 is not just a jaunty rock and roll romp, but is actually a masterful expression of the human experience. A cinematic Buddha of sorts, the film that launched the career of a young Michelle Pfeiffer (or, more accurately, failed in its attempts to hold her back), is actually a treasure trove of spiritual and practical knowledge that any open-minded viewer can apply to his or her own life.

15 Things You See in Temecula Every Day
When I think about Temecula, what comes to mind is a community full of small town charm but with all the amenities and advantages of a much bigger city. However, when your entire life is contained within just over 30 square miles, you find yourself taking the same streets and seeing the same things day in and day out and, to me, that’s necessarily not a bad thing. So, I’ve compiled a list of some of the things you see on the streets of Temecula, pretty much any time you leave the house.